Terms of Service

Effective Date: April 2024

This Terms of Service (this “Agreement” and/or the “Terms of Service”) is a legal contract between You (the Customer), and DM Intelligence LLC, a limited liability company with principal place of business in the United Arab Emirates, doing business as Decentralized Masters (altogether, including any of its Affiliates, the “Company”; also referred to as “we” or “our”). The Customer and the Company are each a “Party” and are the “Parties” to this Agreement.

This Agreement governs Your access to and use of the Company’s Services. We may provide the Services through the Company, our Affiliate(s), or both. You may only use the Services in accordance with this Terms of Service and the Customer Agreement.

Article 1 – Definitions

1.1  “Affiliate” means any entity that directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by, or is under common control with, the party specified. For purposes of this definition, “control” means direct or indirect ownership of more than fifty percent (50%) of the voting interests of the subject entity.
1.2  “Applicable Laws” means all laws, regulations, statutes, rulings, directives, orders and ordinances from any legislative body, government body, government agency, court, or regulatory body or regulatory authority having jurisdiction and relevant to or concerning the Services and the activities contemplated by this Agreement.
1.3  “Authorized User” means the individual person that is the Customer authorized to access and use the Services as a result of an Order for Services.
1.4  “Company Content” means and refers to all multimedia, textual, graphical, auditory elements, videos, text, graphics, images, audio files, and informational materials. These materials are created, operated and maintained by the Company, and are accessible to users through the Services. The Company retains all ownership rights, including but not limited to copyright and intellectual property rights, to the Company Content.
1.5  “Customer” means the individual Party to this Agreement that is purchasing Services in an Order, also referred to herein as “it”, “You” or “Your”.
1.6  “Customer Agreement” means the Master Subscription Agreement together with any Order.
1.7  “Customer Data” means any information provided by the Customer or generated through the Customer’s use of the Services. This includes, but is not limited to, personal information, account details, preferences, and usage data. Additionally, Customer Data encompasses any content or data uploaded, submitted, or transmitted by the Customer while using the Services, such as messages, posts, images, videos, and files. It further includes any modifications, additions, or annotations made by the Customer to materials within the Services.
a. “Customer Content” is a subset of Customer Data, and specifically refers to the creative works, messages, posts, images, videos, files, and any other materials uploaded, submitted, or transmitted by the Customer while using the Services. This includes content created by the Customer and does not encompass personal information, account details, preferences, or usage data, which fall under the category of Customer Data.
1.8  “Order” means the ordering document you receive via our Website online, that specifies the scope and provision of the Services, including Fees, duration of access to the Services, and other relevant information related to the purchase of Services. The Order is for the purchase of Services and is a binding contract. The access, use, provision and delivery of Services specified in an Order is governed by this Master Subscription Agreement, which is entered into and effective upon the the date of an Order. By placing an Order, Customer agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Master Subscription Agreement between Customer and Company, and the Terms published on the Company website.
1.9  “Privacy Policy” means the then-current Company Privacy Policy posted on the Company’s Website.
1.10  “Services” and "Service" mean and refer to the offerings described in detail in the ‘Services Description’ at Article 4 herein. Customer’s right to access and use the Service is limited to the rights expressly granted in this Agreement and the applicable Customer Agreement.
1.11  Company "Websites" and "Sites" meansand include: www.decen-masters.com, www.decentralizedmasters.com www.accelerator.decentralizedmasters.com, www.decentralizedmasters.circle.so, and any other websites or online platforms that the Company may operate from time to time.
1.12  "Users" refers to any individual or entity who utilizes the Services provided by the Company as outlined in the Agreement. This includes the Customer, as well as any authorized representatives or end-users who access or interact with the Company’s Services under the terms of the Customer Agreement.

Article 2 – Customer Account Information

2.1  Account Information. You may be required to provide information about yourself to become an Authorized User to register for and to access or use the Services. You shall ensure that any such account information, including Customer Data, remains accurate and complete. Company has no liability whatsoever for errors and omissions in your Customer Data. You may also be asked to choose a username and password to access or use the Services. We may reject, or require that you change, any such username or password, in our sole discretion. You are entirely responsible for maintaining the security of your username and password, and you agree not to disclose or make your username or password accessible to any third party.
2.2  Prohibition on Sharing. You may not share an account, account access or account rights, or any other user rights with any other individual or entity, unless otherwise expressly pre-approved by Company in writing. You may not share any login credentials or passwords regarding the foregoing with any other individual or entity. You acknowledge that sharing of any such rights is strictly prohibited. Your right to use or access the Services is personal to you and not assignable or transferable. You may not assign or transfer any account, access rights, or any other user rights with any other individual or entity, except upon the Company’s prior express written approval (which may be withheld).

Article 3 – Ordering Services

3.1  Order. You may order the Services through an online purchase and/or registration process, approved and authorized by the Company (each an “Order”). Any order for the Services made pursuant to an Order is subject to the terms of the Customer Agreement and this Terms of Service. An Order may contain additional or different terms, conditions, and information regarding the Services you are ordering as authorized and agreed to by the Company. The terms of the applicable Order Form control and govern, only to the extent necessary, to resolve any particular conflict or inconsistency among terms only.
3.2  Outstanding Balance; Late Payment. Without limiting our rights, you acknowledge that Company is not required to provide any new or continuing Services set forth in an Order until all outstanding balances due and owing for existing Services are paid in full.

Article 4 – Services

4.1  Services Description. This Services Description describes the Services that may be ordered on an Order, and sets forth further Service and feature-specific terms and conditions that may apply to Company’s provision and Customer’s use of the Services. Capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the meanings assigned to them in the Customer Agreement. The nature and scope of the Services may change over time as we strive to improve and enhance our offerings to better meet the needs of our Customers.
a. Educational Platform. Services provided by the Company constitute an educational training and coaching platform that allows Customer to access online learnings, coaching and community. The Services are intended for educational and informational purposes only and are not intended to provide any legal, tax, or financial advice. Participation in or use of the Services does not guarantee any specific outcome, including financial success. The Services include access to online courses and related services as outlined in the Order signed between the parties. These Courses are designed to offer valuable insights, guidance, and practical skills across various emerging technologies domains. Our platform fosters community engagement, enabling Customers to connect with peers and experts through discussion forums, live Q&A sessions, and networking events.
b. Mentor. Coaching and support, providing personalized guidance and individualized assistance to the Customer in optimizing their use of the Services.
c. Clan. Access to the community of passionate individuals which will share the most exciting content on emerging technologies.
d. Mastermind Group. Access to weekly group sessions with other members of the community. Exclusive invitations and access to participate in weekly Mastermind group sessions alongside fellow community members.
e. Support Services. Access to the community of passionate individuals which will share the most exciting content on emerging technologies.
f. Accelerator Educational Video training on emerging technologies topics, including security, best practices and mindset recommendations.
4.2  Services Disclaimer. The Services provided by the Company are for informational purposes only. Customer does not construe any information or material provided through the Services as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other professional advice. Nothing contained in Company Content, the Services, or on Company websites constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, endorsement, or offer by the Company or any third-party service provider to buy or sell any securities or other financial instruments in any jurisdiction where such solicitation or offer would be unlawful under the securities laws.  All content provided through the Services is of a general nature and does not address the specific circumstances of any individual or entity. None of the information or Company Content provided constitutes professional or financial advice, nor does it constitute a comprehensive or complete statement of the matters discussed or the law relating thereto. The Company does not act as a fiduciary by virtue of any person’s use of or access to the Services.
4.3  Company may, in its sole discretion, (i) discontinue the Services, or (ii) modify the names, features or functionality of the Services.
4.4  AS IS; NO WARRANTY. You agree that the Services are provided “as is” and the Company, its affiliates, suppliers, and licensors expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind, express or implied, including any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. The Company, its affiliates, suppliers, and licensors make no guarantee, promise, or representation regarding (i) the results that may be obtained from the use of the Services, (ii) the accuracy or reliability of any information obtained through the Services, or (iii) that the Services will meet any user’s requirements, or be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free. Any material or data downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the Services is at your own discretion and risk. You will be solely responsible for any damage resulting from the use of the Services. The entire risk arising out of the use or performance of the Services remains with you. The Company does not assume any responsibility for the retention of any data, including Customer Content and Customer Data, user information, or communications between users. Use of the Services is at your sole risk.
4.5  Access to and Use of the Services. Your access to and use of the Services is governed by this Terms of Service and the Customer Agreement..

Article 5 – Acceptable Use Policy

5.1  Prohibited Uses. You agree that you will not, and will not permit anyone accessing your account to, directly or indirectly: (i) use the Services in violation of this Terms of Service or the terms of the Customer Agreement; (ii) modify, customize, disassemble, decompile, prepare derivative works of, create improvements, derive innovations from, reverse engineer, or attempt to gain access to any underlying technology of the Services; (iii) knowingly or negligently use the Services in a way that abuses, interferes with, or disrupts Company’s networks, your account, Host rights, or any other user rights, or the Services; (iv) engage in activity that is illegal under Applicable Laws, fraudulent, false, or misleading; (v) transmit through the Services any material that may infringe, misappropriate, or violate the proprietary rights of third parties; (vi) build or benchmark a competitive product or service, or copy any features, functions, or graphics of the Services; (vii) use the Services for the development, production, or marketing of a service or product substantially similar to the Services; (viii) use the Services to communicate any message or material that is harassing, libelous, threatening, obscene, indecent, would infringe or violate the proprietary rights of Company or any third party, or is otherwise unlawful, or would give rise to civil or criminal liability, under any Applicable Laws; (ix) upload or transmit any software, content, or code that does or is intended to harm, disable, destroy, or adversely affect performance of the Services in any way, or which does or is intended to harm or extract information or data from other hardware, software, networks, or other users of the Services; (x) engage in any activity or use the Services or your account in any manner that could damage, disable, overburden, impair or otherwise interfere with or disrupt the Services, or any servers or networks connected to the Services, or Company security systems; (xi) use the Services in violation of any Company policy or terms or in a manner that violates Applicable Laws, including anti-spam, import and export control, intellectual property, privacy, anti-terrorism, anti-bribery, foreign corrupt practices; (xii) remove, delete, alter, or obscure any proprietary rights notices provided on or with the Services, including any copy thereof; (xiii) make, use, or offer the Services for lease, rent, or sale, or reproduce, resell, distribute, publish, display, assign, transfer, sublicense, lend, use on a timeshare or service bureau basis, or use the Services for any commercial or other purpose that is not expressly permitted by this Terms of Service or the Customer Agreement; or (xiv) make available the Services, or any features or functionality thereof, to any third party for any reason or by any manner, unless expressly permitted by this Agreement or otherwise expressly agreed to in writing by you and Company.
5.2  Harassment Prohibited. Users are prohibited from engaging in targeted harassment or encouraging others to do so. This includes any abusive behavior intended to harass, intimidate, or silence others. Users or accounts found in violation may face permanent suspension.
5.3  Hateful Conduct Prohibited. Users may not promote violence, threats, or harassment based on race, ethnicity, national origin, caste, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease. Additional categories may be considered and added at the discretion of the Company. The use of usernames, display names, or profile information for abusive purposes is strictly prohibited. Users promoting violence or harassment will not be tolerated. Violations will result in permanent suspension.
5.4  Violence and Threats Prohibited. The use of the Company’s Sites, platform or Services to threaten or incite violence, physical harm, death, or disease towards individuals or groups is strictly prohibited. Celebrating violent acts or targeting individuals based on protected characteristics is also prohibited. Repeated violations will result in permanent suspension.
5.5  Other Prohibited Uses. Users may not utilize the Company’s Sites, platform or Services to promote or engage in the following activities: Counterfeit goods and services; Drugs and controlled substances; Human smuggling or trafficking; Products made from endangered species; Sexual services; Gambling or wagering activities; Unauthorized multi-level marketing; Stolen goods; Content related to weapons outside of safe and controlled environments (including homemade weapons and engaging with weapons).
5.6  Sensitive Content Prohibited. Content depicting or promoting graphic violence, adult content, gratuitous gore, hateful imagery, or child exploitation is strictly prohibited. This includes media related to death, serious injury, sexual arousal, nudity, and child abuse. Users or accounts found violating this policy will be permanently suspended.
5.7  Suicide and Self-Harm. Promotion or encouragement of suicide or self-harm is strictly prohibited.
5.8  Privacy. Users may not post or threaten to post private information of others. This includes home addresses, contact information, financial details, and medical records. Violations may result in permanent suspension.
5.9  Spam Prohibited. Users may not engage in spamming activities on the Company’s Sites, platform or with the Services. Spam is defined as mass unsolicited or aggressive activity intended to manipulate or disrupt the user experience. Violators may face permanent suspension.
5.10  Intellectual Property and Defamation Prohibited. Users may not upload or distribute content they do not have the right to transmit under Applicable Laws or contractual agreements. This includes copyrighted material, trademarks, defamatory statements, and unauthorized impersonation. Violators may face permanent suspension.
5.9  By using the Company’s Sites, platform or Services, Users agree to abide by this Acceptable Use Policy. Violations may result in account suspension or termination.

Article 6 – Responsibility for Your Use; Customer Data

6.1  Use of the Services; User Responsibility. You will, and all Users shall, abide by and ensure compliance with, the Terms of Service. Use of the Services is void where prohibited. You are responsible for your access to and use of the Services and Sites. You are responsible for all use and activities under your account. You acknowledge that you remain liable for the acts and omissions of any third party that you allow, enable, or otherwise provide access to the Services, whether or not such access was expressly permitted by Company.
6.2  Violations by End Users or Third Parties. Company assumes no responsibility or liability for violations of the Terms of Service by any Users or any other third party that you allow, direct, or enable to access the Services or Sites.
6.3  Liability for Content and Data. Under no circumstances will Company be liable in any way for any data or other content accessed or viewed while using the Services, including any errors or omissions in any such data or other content, or any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of, access to, or denial of access to any data or other content.
6.4  Investigation of Use. Company may investigate any complaints and violations that come to our attention and may take any action, in its sole discretion, including issuing warnings, suspending or disconnecting the Services, removing the applicable data or other content, suspending or terminating accounts or User profiles, or taking other reasonable actions in its sole discretion.
6.5  Compliance with Applicable Laws. You are solely responsible for your compliance with all Applicable Laws that apply to your access to and use of the Services and Sites.
6.6  Customer Data; Customer Responsibilities. You are solely responsible for compliance with all Applicable Laws pertaining to your Customer Data, including Applicable Laws pertaining to intellectual property and third party rights. Company takes no responsibility for and does not expressly or implicitly endorse, support, or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any Customer Data.  By submitting your Customer Content to the Services, you represent and warrant that you have all rights, power, and authority necessary to grant the rights to your Customer Content contained within this Terms of Service.
a. Company has the right to, and may, delete any Customer Data at any time without notice to you if Company becomes aware that any Customer Data violates any provision of this Terms of Service, the Customer Agreement, or any Applicable Laws. You retain all ownership rights in your Customer Data subject to Applicable Laws, and subject to any license or other rights granted to Company herein or in the Customer Agreement. You also agree that Company may remove metadata associated with your Customer Data, and you irrevocably waive any claims and assertions of moral rights or attribution with respect to your Customer Data.
6.7  Grant of License to Customer Content. When your Customer Content is created with or submitted to the Services, you grant Company a worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, transferable, and sublicensable license to use, copy, modify, adapt, prepare derivative works of, distribute, store, perform, and display Customer Content and any name, username, voice, or likeness provided in connection with your Customer Content in all media formats, platforms, and/or channels now known or later developed by Company anywhere in the world. This license includes the right for Company to make Customer Content available for syndication, broadcast, distribution, or publication by other companies, organizations, or individuals who partner with Company. Additionally, Company may use Customer Content to train artificial intelligence/machine learning models to improve and enhance the Services.
6.8  Grant of License to Customer Data. Without limiting section 6.7 [Grant of License to Customer Content] in any way, Company will also access, process or use Customer Data for the following reasons (the “Permitted Uses”): (i) consistent with this Terms of Service and as required to perform our obligations and provide the Services; (ii) in accordance with our Privacy Policy; (iii) as authorized or instructed by you; (iv) as required by Applicable Laws; or (v) for legal, safety or security purposes, including enforcing our Terms of Service. You grant Company a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, sublicensable, and transferable license and all other rights required or necessary for the Permitted Uses.
6.9  Anonymized and Aggregated Data. You agree that the Company may obtain and aggregate technical and other data about your use of the Services on a de-identified or anonymized basis (“aggregated anonymous data”). The Company may use the aggregated anonymous data in accordance with Applicable Laws, including to analyze, develop, improve, support, and operate the Services provided to you or other unrelated customers, during and after the term of the Customer Agreement. This usage may include generating industry benchmarks, best practices guidance, recommendations, or similar reports.
6.10  Service Generated Data. Product usage data, diagnostic data, and similar data that Company collects or generates in connection with your use of the Services or Sites are referred to as Service Generated Data. Company owns all rights, title, and interest in and to Service Generated Data.

Article 7 – Payments and Charges

7.1  Charges. You agree that Company may charge your credit card, debit card, or other payment mechanism selected by you and approved by Company (“Payment Method”) for all amounts due and owing in connection with your use of the Services, as set forth in the applicable Order or otherwise used or ordered by or for you through the Services, including set up fees, one-time fees, non-recurring fees, overages, per-use charges, subscription fees, recurring fees, and any other fees and charges associated with the Services or your account (“Charges”). Unless otherwise expressly specified an Order, all Charges are exclusive of taxes. You agree to promptly update your Payment Method to allow for timely payment. Changes made to your Payment Method will not affect Charges that Company submits to your chosen Payment Method before Company could reasonably act on your changes. Additionally, you agree to permit Company to use any updated Payment Method information provided by your issuing bank or the applicable payment network and to charge your current primary Payment Method by using the details of such Payment Method saved in our system, even if such Payment Method is declined. Company further reserves the right to use your backup Payment Method to the extent one is provided. By adding a backup Payment Method, you authorize Company to process any applicable Charges on your backup Payment Method if your primary Payment Method is declined.
7.2  Non-Cancelable and Non-Refundable Charges. You agree that all payments are non-cancelable for the subscription term, and are final and non-refundable.
7.3  Changes to Pricing. Company may change prices for the Services at any time, in its sole discretion. For changes to your Charges, Company will provide you with not less than (i) thirty (30) calendar days prior notice, or (ii) the time period prescribed by Applicable Laws (each, (i) and (ii), a “Rate Change Notice”). Unless prohibited by the terms of your Order, any changes to your Charges will be effective upon the commencement of your next renewal term or other date calculated in accordance with Applicable Laws. If you seek to terminate or modify the Services affected by a Rate Change Notice, then you must terminate or modify your affected Services within the applicable Rate Change Notice time period. If you do not terminate or modify the affected Services within the applicable Rate Change Notice time period, then you shall be deemed to have automatically accepted the change to your Charges, unless your affirmative, express consent to such change is required under Applicable Laws. If required by Applicable Laws, we will remind you of your termination and modification right, any applicable time-period, and the consequences of not terminating.
7.4  Collection of Charges. You agree that if Company is unable to collect the Charges for the Services through your Payment Method, Company may, to the extent not prohibited by Applicable Laws, take any other steps it deems necessary to collect such Charges from you and that you will be responsible for all costs and expenses incurred by Company in connection with such collection activity, including collection fees, court costs, and attorneys’ fees. You further agree that, to the extent not prohibited by Applicable Laws, Company may collect interest at the lesser of 1.5% per month or the highest amount permitted by law on any Charges not paid when due.
7.5  Termination or Suspension for Nonpayment. Without limiting our rights in any other section of this Terms of Service or in the Customer Agreement, if any failure to pay Charges continues for five (5) calendar days following the due date, Company may terminate, suspend, or disconnect your access to the Services immediately and without prior notice.
7.6  Billing Communications. You agree that Company may contact you via email or otherwise at any time with information relevant to your use of the Services, including billing communications, regardless of whether you have opted out of receiving marketing communications or notices.

Article 8 – Company Termination Rights and Suspension

8.1  Company Termination Rights and Suspension. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, if you fail to comply with any provision of this Terms of Service, the Customer Agreement or any referenced policies or notices, Company may (i) immediately suspend your access to the Services, or (ii) terminate your account and Customer Agreement, effective immediately. If Company chooses to suspend your Services and the failure to comply continues, Company may exercise any or all of its termination rights in this Article. No expiration or termination will affect your obligation to pay all Charges that may have become due before such expiration or termination. If your Services are suspended for your failure to comply with

Article 9 – Modifications to this Terms of Service

9.1  General Changes. Company may make modifications, deletions, and additions to this Terms of Service (“Changes”) from time to time in accordance with this Article. Changes to this Terms of Service will be posted on our Website, which you should regularly check for the most recent version and also save the most up to date version in your files. When Changes are made, Company will indicate the effective date of the Changes at the top of the Terms of Service. Changes to this Terms of Service do not create a renewed opportunity to opt out of arbitration. If you continue to use the Services after the effective date of the Changes, then you agree to the revised terms and conditions. In some instances, Company may notify you of a Change and also may request express confirmation of your consent to a Change. If a Change requires a specific notice pursuant to Applicable Laws, then Company will provide you with such notice in the manner prescribed by Applicable Laws.
9.2  Other Changes. You agree that Company may modify, delete, and make additions to its guides, statements, policies, and notices, with or without notice to you, and for similar guides, statements, policies, and notices applicable to your use of the Services, by posting an updated version on the applicable webpage. In most instances, you may subscribe to these webpages using an authorized email in order to receive certain updates to policies and notices.
9.3  Change Notification. It is your responsibility to keep your email address up to date for any notices that Company may send to you from time to time and to regularly review this Terms of Service.

Article 10 – Miscellaneous Provisions

10.1  System Requirements; Changes. Your use of the Services, Sites, and platform requires one or more compatible devices, Internet access, and certain third-party software, and you may be required to obtain updates or upgrades from time to time for any of these items, which may result in additional costs to you. Because use of the Services involves hardware, software, and Internet access, your ability to access and use the Services may be affected by the performance of the foregoing. You are solely responsible for any fees that may apply to your access to or use of the Services, including fees for hardware, software, computers, or Internet access. You agree that the foregoing requirements are your responsibility.
10.2  Website Accuracy. Although we intend to provide accurate information on Company Websites, the content on the Sites may not always be entirely accurate, complete or current and may also include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. In an effort to continue to provide you with as complete and accurate information as possible, information in the Sites may be changed or updated from time to time without notice, including without limitation information regarding our policies, products and Services. Accordingly, you should verify all information before relying on it, and all decisions based on information contained on the Websites are your sole responsibility and Company shall have no liability for such decisions. Information provided by third parties is for informational purposes only and Company makes no representations or warranties to its accuracy. You acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible for any aspect of the information, content, or services contained in any third-party materials or on any third-party sites accessible or linked to the Sites.
10.3  Eligibility. You affirm that you are of legal age to enter into the Customer Agreement and this Terms of Service, and to use the Services. You affirm that you are otherwise fully able and competent to enter into and abide by the terms, conditions, obligations, affirmations, representations, and warranties set forth in this Terms of Service. Your access may be terminated without warning if it comes to our attention that you are under the legal age to enter into this Terms of Service, or are otherwise ineligible to use the Services.
10.4  Section Headings. The Section and Article headings and titles used in this Agreement are deemed to be incorporated into and form a part of this Agreement, and affect the interpretation of any provision of this Agreement. Any reference to a section, article, subsection, or clause by its heading or title shall be considered as referring to the content and provisions contained therein.
10.5  Relationship of Parties. The Parties are independent contractors, and this Agreement does not create any employment, partnership, or joint venture relationship between the Parties. Customer explicitly acknowledges that they are not an employee or client of the Company under any circumstances. Additionally, Customer agrees not to hold themselves out as an agent or legal representative of the Company, nor as joint venturers for any purpose. Furthermore, Customer is not authorized to assume or create any obligations, whether express or implied, on behalf of the Company. It is also understood that there is no fiduciary or advisory relationship, actual or implied, between the Company and Customer.
10.6  Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not invalidate or render unenforceable any other part of this Agreement, but the Agreement and/or shall be construed as not containing the particular provision or provisions held to be invalid or unenforceable.
10.7  Binding Agreement. This Agreement is binding and effective upon Customer’s access to, or engagement with, the Company’s Services, which may include but is not limited to placing an Order, or making a purchase through the Company’s Website. Customer’s access to or engagement with the Company’s Services constitutes acceptance of this Agreement, and of the Privacy Policy.
10.8  Reservation of Rights. All rights not expressly granted to Customer under this Agreement are reserved and retained by Company.
...and how people like you are also taking advantage of it to create their OWN private bank to get paid on AUTOPILOT.
1. DM Intelligence LLC is the only operator that collects or maintains personal information through the
www.decentralizedmasters.com, www.accelerator.decentralizedmasters.com, and
www.decentralizedmasters.circle.so websites.

2. A member (any visitor or other person using the website) may contact DM Intelligence LLC using the following information:

Email Support Hours of Operation
24/7 (We will contact you within 24-48 hours Monday-Friday)

"Live" chat support hours.

Monday - Friday 10:00 a.m. EST - 6:00 p.m. EST

DM Intelligence LLC
Sharjah Media City, Sharjah, UAE
Email: support@decentralizedmasters.com
Phone: 00971552483764

3. Review the Terms & Conditions.

Collection of information:

1. The website actively collects member information such as first and last name, age, city and state, email address, gender, date of birth and information through registration forms, applications, voluntary surveys, contests, purchases and participation in public forums such as bulletin boards.

2. The site reserves the right to passively collect information related to site usage, such as time spent on the site, areas visited, and sites linked to and from. In the future, the site may collect additional information and may install cookies on members' hard drives.

3. The site allows members to make personal information available in public forums, such as bulletin boards, to the extent that members choose to disclose such information.

4. If a member contacts any employee or affiliated person, a record of that correspondence may be maintained.

5. The site is prohibited from conditioning a member's participation in an activity on the member disclosing more personal information than is reasonably necessary to participate in that activity.

Use of Information

1. Personal information is used for record keeping, site management, site activities, fulfillment of requested transactions and marketing only to members who have consented to such marketing. This may be in the form of email, text messages or direct mail, among others.

2. Personal information collected from members is not disclosed to third parties, except for companies with which the website is affiliated by common ownership.

Digital tools such as Google Analytics, and Google Ads may install cookies in the browsers of users of DM Intelligence LLC websites in order to provide better targeting of advertising and for analytical measurement of the websites.

For more information on how Google uses this data, go to www.google.com/policies/privacy/partners/

The Site may retain third parties to review certain personal information to advise you on demographic and marketing issues, generally on an aggregate basis, and only after such third parties have agreed to maintain the confidentiality, security and integrity of any personal information obtained.

3. Blocking Cookies in the Browser
To learn how to block cookies in Chrome, visit this page.
To learn how to block cookies in Edge / Bing visit this page
To learn how to block cookies in Firefox visit this page

4. Opting Out of Ad Tracking
Our advertising partners may use tracking technologies that are not overridden by your browser's cookie blocking settings. To prevent tracking for advertising purposes, you can use tools that prevent the tracking of information for advertising purposes:

The NAI’s opt-out platform

The DAA’s opt-out platform

You can also learn more about how to opt out of Google Analytics by going to